Our son, Marcelo Ray Whited, was born May 23, 2011 at 8:18 am. He was 11.4 pounds and 22.5 inches long. He is a HUGE newborn. He had to be in the NICU for the first two days to regulate his glucose levels because mommy had gestational diabetes. All is well now, and we are all home and doing great. We are so in love with him, including his big sister. Olivia has been so helpful and loving towards him, thank goodness. We were pretty worried about her having to share attention, but she has surprised us all. Marcelo is a true blessing for us, and we could not be happier. We hope you enjoy the pictures and updates that will come more frequently now that he's here.
2nd day home
His Tia Mana holding him
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Marcelo's Nursery
Baby Shower
My oldest and dearest friends (since 5th and 6th grade) threw me a baby shower a few weekends ago. Ashley offered her new beautiful home to host it and I could not have asked for a better time and more thoughtful gifts. I love my girls so much and I can not wait for them to meet baby Marcelo. He has been spoiled by them already! Special thanks to Trecy Schnitzer for helping out and my mom for the yummy empanandas and amazing cake!
-Sarah, Stacy, and Ash I love you girls so much-Thank you!
Opening gifts
My humungous self next to my skinny beautiful mana!
-Sarah, Stacy, and Ash I love you girls so much-Thank you!
Opening gifts
My humungous self next to my skinny beautiful mana!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Easter 2011
I have been so bad about posting to the blog lately, and as you can see in the picture below, I have a good reason! I am super preggo and tired all the time, not an excuse, but the truth! This year we went to my folks (like we always do) to celebrate Easter, and Olivia had a beautiful dress that my mom bought her! She also got at least 3 Easter baskets full of goodies. She is one rotten little girl!
Twirling in her dress!
I love the flower hair bows to match!
Twirling in her dress!
I love the flower hair bows to match!
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