Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Fun

Since returning from Miami, Olivia and I have had some serious bonding time. I have had the last 5 weeks off with her and have one more left (administrators do not get as much time off as teachers do) boo! I know I shouldn't complain:) anyway-we have done all sorts of stuff and here are some snap shots.

In my parent's backyard-we swim almost daily!

We went to visit my friends Sarah and Kevin in Austin and got to see their little baby Collin-he is so sweet!

Olivia is really good with him and she loves to help feed him, dress him, change him, you name it and she's right there next to him!

We also attended my dear friend Roberto's wedding. It was beautiful. I wish I had a better shot of them, but this is about as good as it gets. They were so happy!

Me, Robert, and Paty-we all worked together at Budewig a few years back. Robert and I carpooled to Clear Lake working on our Master's-we formed quite the friendship on those long trips!

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